This is an evolution experiment where a population of bit string genomes are evolving!
Overlapping genes are featured in genetic architectures across the tree of life, yet the prevalence of gene overlap can vary dramatically across species.
There seems to be an evolutionary trade-off in how genetic information is organized: gene overlap allows for more compact information storage and enables tight physical coupling between genes, whereas more modular, non-overlapping arrangements allow constituent genes to be modified independently.
What environmental characteristics shift selection to favor more compact genetic architectures versus more modular alternatives where genes do not overlap?
We use a computational model (that you can play with in your browser!) to explore this evolutionary trade-off.
Specifically, we investigate the role of environmental change and mutation rate in the evolution of gene overlap.
But what am I actually looking at?
We evolved populations of bit string genomes (sequences of 0s and 1s) to investigate the role of environmental change and mutation rate in the evolution of gene overlap.
Digital genomes are variable-length bit sequences that encode N K-bit genes.
The number and size of genes can be adjusted for a given experiment (see the
genetic architecture configuration settings).
Genomes are circular: genes that would overlap the end of the genome wrap around to the beginning.
Genes may be located anywhere along the genome.
A genome's genetic architecture is subject to evolution: i.e., the size of a genome and its gene locations can mutate and evolve (see mutation configuration settings).
Below is an example of how this web application renders genomes.
Example genome with four eight-bit genes. Each gene is indicated via a different color.
Gene 0 overlaps with no other genes; whereas, genes 1, 2, and 3 each overlap with one another
to varying extents.
What determines reproductive success?
Each gene's fitness contribution is equal to how well it matches a target bit sequence.
A genome's overall fitness equals the sum of each of its gene's fitness contributions.
The fitness landscape for an isolated gene is a smooth gradient;
however, gene overlap can result in epistasis, complicating the fitness landscape.
Below, we give an example set of gene target sequences.
Example set of gene targets.
In the above example gene targets and example genome, gene 0 perfectly matches its target, giving it a fitness contribution of 1.0 (8/8).
Gene 1 is off by two bits (i.e., two bits are mismatched between the gene and the target), giving it a fitness contribution of 6/8.
Gene 2 is off by one bit, giving it a fitness contribution of 7/8.
Gene 3 is off by one bit, giving it a fitness contribution of 7/8.
The gene contributions result in a total of 3.5 (out of a maximum of 4).
Example gene value contribution.
How does environmental change work?
We subject populations to environmental change by perturbing the gene target bit sequences over time.
We control the rate of change by varying the magnitude and per-generation frequency of these perturbations:
we control both the number of generations between perturbations and and the number of bits toggled for each perturbation.
Manipulate how often and by how much the environment (i.e., gene targets) changes under the general configuration settings (specifically, 'CHANGE_MAGNITUDE' and 'CHANGE_FREQUENCY').
Try it out!
How does environmental change affect overlap?
What sorts of genome architectures typically evolve if the environment is static (set CHANGE_MAGNITUDE or CHANGE_FREQUENCY to 0)?
What architectures typically evolve if the environment changes over time?
Particular configurations of environmental change will be more or less
extreme depending on how many and the size of genes are when you configure your experiment.
For reference, we found that one change every generation is somewhat extreme for sixteen eight-bit genes (the setting we use for most of our experiments);
at that configuration, one change every four generations is a relatively high, but reasonable environmental change rate.
How does mutation rate affect overlap?
Try out different bit substitution mutation rates (BIT_FLIP_PROB parameter).
How does increasing mutation rate affect genetic architecture?