Chapter 10 Independent-signal problem analysis

Here, we give an overview of the independent-signal diagnostic problem, and we provide our data analyses for related experiments. All of our source code for statistical analyses and data visualizations is embedded in this document. The raw data can be found on the OSF project associated with this work (Lalejini, Moreno, and Ofria 2020).

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10.1 Overview

The independent-signal task requires programs to express a unique response for each of \(K\) distinct environmental signals (i.e., each signal has a distinct tag); the figure below is given as an example. Because signals are distinct, programs do not need to alter their responses to particular signals over time. Instead, programs may ‘hardware’ each of the \(K\) possible responses to the appropriate environmental signal. However, environmental signals are presented in a random order; thus, the correct order of responses will vary and cannot be hardcoded. As in the signal-counting task, programs respond by executing one of \(K\) response instructions. Otherwise, evaluation (and fitness assignment) on the independent-signal task mirrors that of the signal-counting task.

Requiring programs to express a distinct instruction in response to each environmental signal represents programs having to perform distinct behaviors.

We afforded programs 128 time steps to express the appropriate response after receiving an environmental signal. Once the allotted time to respond expires or the program expresses any response, the program’s threads of execution are reset, resulting in a loss of all thread-local memory. Only the contents of a program’s global memory and each function’s regulatory state persist. The environment then produces the next signal (distinct from all previous signals) to which the program may respond. A program’s fitness is equal to the number of correct responses expressed during evaluation.

We evolved populations of 1000 SignalGP programs to solve the independent-signal task at \(K=16\) (where \(K\) denotes the number of environmental signals). We evolved populations for 10^{4} generations or until an program capable of achieving a perfect score during task evaluation (i.e., able to express the appropriate response to each of the \(K\) signals) evolved.

We ran 200 replicate populations (each with a distinct random number seed) of each of the following experimental conditions:

  1. a regulation-enabled treatment where programs have access to genetic regulation.
  2. a regulation-disabled treatment where programs do not have access to genetic regulation.

Note this task does not require programs to shift their response to particular signals over time, and as such, genetic regulation is unnecessary. Further, because programs experience environmental inputs in a random order, erroneous genetic regulation can manifest as cryptic variation. For example, non-adaptive down-regulation of a particular response function may be neutral given one sequence of environmental signals, but may be deleterious in another. We expected regulation-enabled SignalGP to exhibit non-adaptive plasticity, potentially resulting in slower adaptation and non-general solutions.

10.2 Analysis Dependencies

Load all required R libraries.

These analyses were conducted in the following computing environment:

##                _                           
## platform       x86_64-pc-linux-gnu         
## arch           x86_64                      
## os             linux-gnu                   
## system         x86_64, linux-gnu           
## status                                     
## major          4                           
## minor          0.4                         
## year           2021                        
## month          02                          
## day            15                          
## svn rev        80002                       
## language       R                           
## version.string R version 4.0.4 (2021-02-15)
## nickname       Lost Library Book

10.4 Does regulation hinder the evolution of successful genotypes?

Here, we look at the number of solutions evolved under regulation-enabled and regulation-disabled conditions. A program is categorized as a ‘solution’ if it can correctly respond to each of the \(K\) environmental signals during evaluation.

Programs capable of achieving a perfect score on the independent-signal task (for a given sequence of environment signals) evolve in all 200 replicates of each condition (i.e., with and without access to genetic regulation). These programs, however, do not necessarily generalize across all possible sequences of environmental signals.

10.4.1 Does access to regulation slow adaptation?

I.e., did successful regulation-enabled programs take longer (more generations) to evolve than those evolved in the regulation-disabled treatment?

##  Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
## data:  update by condition
## W = 22188, p-value = 0.05845
## alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -3.860236e-05  1.000000e+01
## sample estimates:
## difference in location 
##               5.000013

The difference in the number of generations before a solution arises is not significantly different.

10.4.2 Do they generalize?

Note that solutions may or may not generalize beyond the sequence of environmental signals on which they achieved a perfect score (and were thus categorized as a ‘solution’). We re-evaluated each ‘solution’ on a random sample of 5000 sequences of environmental signals to test for generalization. We deem programs as having successfully generalized only if they responded correctly in all 5000 tests.

To see if regulation is preventing some regulation-enabled solutions from generalizing, we test generalization for regulation-enabled solutions with their regulation faculties knocked out (i.e., regulation instructions replaced with no-operations).

All regulation-disabled programs successfully generalized.

##               success fail
## reg-augmented     182   18
## reg-disabled      200    0
##  Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data
## data:  table
## p-value = 5.113e-06
## alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is not equal to 1
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.0000000 0.2115509
## sample estimates:
## odds ratio 
##          0

The difference in number of generalizing solutions between regulation-enabled and regulation-disabled conditions is statistically significant (Fisher’s exact test).

Moreover, 5 of the 18 non-generalizing programs generalize when we knockout genetic regulation. Upon close inspection, the other 13 non-general programs relied on genetic regulation to achieve initial success but failed to generalize to arbitrary environment signal sequences.


Lalejini, Alexander M, Matthew A Moreno, and Charles Ofria. 2020. “Tag-Based Genetic Regulation for Genetic Programming.” OSF.