Chapter 3 SignalGP instruction set

Below, we document the instruction set used in our GP system for our experiments.


  • EOP: End of program
  • Reg: local register
    • Reg[0] indicates the value at the register specified by an instruction’s first argument, Reg[1] indicates the value at the register specified by an instruction’s second argument, and Reg[2] indicates the value at the register specified by the instruction’s third argument.
    • Reg[0], Reg[1], etc: Register 0, Register 1, etc.
  • Input: input buffer
    • Follows same scheme as Reg
  • Output: output buffer
    • Follows same scheme as Reg
  • Global: global memory buffer
    • Follows same scheme as Reg
  • Arg: Instruction argument
    • Arg[i] indicates the i’th instruction argument (an integer encoded in the genome)
    • E.g., Arg[0] is an instruction’s first argument

Instructions that would produce undefined behavior (e.g., division by zero) are treated as no operations.

3.1 Default Instructions

I.e., instructions used across all diagnostic tasks.

Instruction Arguments Used Description
Nop 0 No operation
Not 1 Reg[0] = !Reg[0]
Inc 1 Reg[0] = Reg[0] + 1
Dec 1 Reg[0] = Reg[0] - 1
Add 3 Reg[0] = Reg[1] + Reg[2]
Sub 3 Reg[0] = Reg[1] - Reg[2]
Mult 3 Reg[0] = Reg[1] * Reg[2]
Div 3 Reg[0] = Reg[1] / Reg[2]
Mod 3 Reg[0] = Reg[1] % Reg[2]
Nand 2 Reg[0] = !(R1g[0] & Reg[2])
TestEqu 3 Reg[0] = Reg[1] == Reg[2]
TestNEqu 3 Reg[0] = Reg[1] != Reg[2]
TestLess 3 Reg[0] = Reg[1] < Reg[2]
TestLessEqu 3 Reg[0] = Reg[1] <= Reg[2]
TestGreater 3 Reg[0] = Reg[1] > Reg[2]
TestGreaterEqu 3 Reg[0] = Reg[1] >= Reg[2]
SetMem 2 Reg[0] = Arg[1]
Terminal 1 Reg[0] = double value encoded by instruction tag
CopyMem 2 Reg[0] = Reg[1]
SwapMem 2 Swap(Reg[0], Reg[1])
InputToWorking 2 Reg[0] = Input[1]
WorkingToOutput 2 Output[1] = Reg[0]
If 1 If Reg[0] != 0, proceed. Otherwise skip to the next Close or EOP.
While 1 While Reg[0] != 0, loop. Otherwise skip to next Close or EOP.
Close 0 Indicate the end of a control block of code (e.g., loop, if).
Break 0 Break out of current control flow (e.g., loop).
Call 0 Call a function, using this instruction’s tag to determine which function is called.
Routine 0 Same as call, but local memory is shared. Sort of like a jump that will jump back when the routine ends.
Return 0 Return from the current function call.
WorkingToGlobal 2 Global[1] = Reg[0]
GlobalToWorking 2 Reg[1] = Global[0]
FullGlobalToWorking 0 Copy entire global memory buffer into working memory buffer
FullWorkingToGlobal 0 Copy entire working memory buffer into global memory buffer

Note that Nand performs a bitwise operation.

3.2 Problem-specific instructions

Each problem has problem-specific instructions for producing output.

3.2.1 Bouncing Balls

  • SubmitOutput

3.2.2 Dice Game

  • SubmitOutput

3.2.3 Fizz Buzz

  • SubmitFizz
  • SubmitBuzz
  • SubmitFizzBuzz
  • SubmitEcho

3.2.4 For loop index

  • SubmitOutput

3.2.5 GCD

  • SubmitOutput

3.2.6 Grade

  • SubmitA
  • SubmitB
  • SubmitC
  • SubmitD
  • SubmitF

3.2.7 Median

  • SubmitOutput

3.2.8 Small or large

  • SubmitSmall
  • SubmitLarge
  • SubmitNeither

3.2.9 Smallest

  • SubmitOutput

3.2.10 Snow Day

  • SubmitOutput